Thursday, November 28, 2019
What are the largest expense categories incurred by health care service organizations Essay Example
What are the largest expense categories incurred by health care service organizations Essay In opinion, one of the biggest expenses for medical facilities is unpaid services. Costs occurred from patients that are unpaid privately or not fully reimbursed from insurance companies would be one of the biggest expenses incurred in health care services. Another expense that is high on the list of expenses for health care services would be equipment and personnel. Health care personal have high salaries as well as costs for additional training and tuition reimbursement if the health care facility participates in such programs. Equipment also can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars to over a million to buy the equipment, depending on the equipment. Then there is the training for the personnel operating it, the maintenance on the equipment and anything else having to do with each specific piece. A medical facility has costs no matter what it is they do. The overhead costs, which includes the operating of the building, the salaries of the personnel in the building and anything that has to do with that account for much of the expenses incurred in health care facilities along with services rendered. We will write a custom essay sample on What are the largest expense categories incurred by health care service organizations specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What are the largest expense categories incurred by health care service organizations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What are the largest expense categories incurred by health care service organizations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer What are the titles and functions of the four financial statements usually included in an audited financial report? The four basic financial statements include the balance sheet, the statement of revenue and expense, the statement of fund balance or net worth, and the statement of cash flows. The balance sheet records what an organization owes and what it is worth if for profit organization and uses fund balance rather than equity for nonprofit organizations. Like the name suggests the balance sheet balances finances in the organization. It is stated at a particular point in time. It displays the total of assets of he organization and the total of what the organization owes. That is its liabilities and its net worth (fund balance). This can be visualized as Assets- Liabilities- Net worth/ Fund balance. The statement of revenue and expense covers a point in time rather than one single date or point in time. The concepts shows that revenue, or inflow, less expenses , or outflow, result in an excess of revenue to expenses if the year has been good, or an excess of expenses over revenue resulting in a loss if the year has been bad, The formula for a condenses statement of revenue and expense would be: operating revenue- operating expenses=operating income. A statement of changes in fund balance/net worth is linked to the previous financial reports. The excess of revenue flows back into equity or fund balance through the statement of fund balance/ net worth. The statement of cash flows deals a lot with accrual basis accounting. For example, Depreciation is recognized within each year as an expense, but it does not represent a cash expense. This is a concept that now enters into the statement of cash flows. The fourth major reportâ€â€the statement of cash flowsâ€â€interlocks with the other three major reports. (Baker Baker, 2011).
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Bella Heath Care India Essay Example
Bella Heath Care India Essay Example Bella Heath Care India Essay Bella Heath Care India Essay 1. What capabilities and resources does a company need to develop new products? Which of these capabilities and resources does Bella India have? There are 4 competencies that a manufacturing company needs to successfully penetrate the market with new products. 1) Market Research Ability: a company needs to know in details about the market. The details include from the demand for specific function in a product, demand for specific service related to the product, to information about suppliers in the market. 2) High Quality: a company needs to insure high quality of the product in order to succeed in the market. In order to guarantee the level of quality in manufacturing industry, high level of technology reflected in manufacturing facilities and high quality of labor force in order to operate the facilities are crucial. Technology Labor force 3) Low Cost: a company needs ability to produce a new product with lower cost compared to its competitors. 4) Organizational Structure: a company requires right form of organizational structure depending on its industry and external environment. With an appropriate match between structure and environment, the company’s internal communication and decision making process would work effectively. Among those 4 competencies, what Bella India has towards Indian market is as follows: Market Research Ability, High Quality, Organizational Structure. 1) Market Research Ability: Bella Healthcare has extensive channel to access information of market in both the U.S. and India. This allowed Bella Healthcare to have plenty of information about suppliers in both the U.S. and India, and to point out the local demand towards A/S. 2) High Quality Technology: Since its inception in 1969, Bella Health Care has accumulated its technology reflected in its plant in St. Louis. Moreover, since 1990s, Bella Health Care India has also showed high level of technology proficiency. Labor Force: A number of engineers are with full background technological knowledge, but at the same time requires much less wage. 3) Organizational Structure: Bella Health Care has independent structure. This enables Bella India to make important decisions by itself not being interfered by HQ in the US. Bella India has its own authority in project building, manufacturing, and staffing which makes the company react swiftly and localize easily. Also, Bella India has a flat culture so engineers can participate in decision making process. It has encouraged Bella India to be well-communicating organization with constant innovation. However, when it comes to projects that require intimate cooperation with HQ, such as Project Baton, this structure may hinder communication between the HQ and the division. 2. Why did Project Baton fail? Project Baton, the first joint product development by St. Louis-based team and Bella India team, has cancelled. Below are 3 possible reasons of the failure of this project. 1) Communication Problems Cultural difference: As the two teams had different cultural context, they misunderstand each other even though they have not had problems with their co-workers before. Even though they can speak in the same language (in this context, Bella India team would speak English), there is possibility that the words or phrases have different meaning. Also, the same behavior or attitude could be regard as suitable and polite in some cultural group, while it is rude in other group. For instance, in this case, a-few-minute late for a conference call or missing deadline could be trivial for Bella India team but it could be serious problem for the St. Louis supervisor because they are in different cultural context. Far distance between two project teams made communication difficult Both team felt frustrated to have late-night conference calls and to go on a business trip because they need to do extra work. Sudden vacancy in project manager position in St. Louis. Unexpected Departure in this position lasts several weeks and it would make two project teams to communicate more slowly and less effectively. Conflicts in priority between design engineers and manufacturing Bella India team focused on designing for manufacturing most, while St. Louis-based team took care of developing the best, most commercially viable functionality. It seems they had difficulties in making settlement because they mostly care about their own responsibility, not about working closely. 2) Technical problems Bella run into difficulty with operations making a new product. When they made prototype of project Baton, amplifier did not work well. Actually, Baton was not that high-tech project, because it was application of EKG with treadmill. Developers had a strength to make cost lower, but did not have ability making application within certain time deadline. 3) Sourcing issues. Bella expected vital part such as microcontroller to be outsourced in Asia, but they had to brought it from US costly since Asian benders delayed the delivery. They failed cost control because of unqualified benders. Without second plan or diversified benders, new process can easily face such problem. At last, product which consumes 30% higher cost than initial expected value makes Bella give up the project Baton in 2007. 3. Should Bella India take on Project TKO and develop an Bella Healthcare specifically for the local market? Why or why not? 1) Internal aspects Bella healthcare has its’ own mission Bella health care usually sells 12 channel devices which provide accurate diagnosis of disease. In developing countries, sometimes they face with resource constraints, such as power failure or lack of doctors. So Bella healthcare develop simplified version of device, TKO. Most of the techniques are already existed and used in Bella health care. They can get higher profit by using little bit modified devices They learn from last fail. Using experience learned from ‘Project Bacon’, they can make a great success in this project. In Baton project, Bella health care in India and its’ headquarter develop a new product together. However they have a communication problem and it ruins the project. In TKO project, Mr. Manning made a task force team, so they can control the project by themselves. Also, they already experience a problem in outsourcing procedure, so they can handle potential problem more easily about outsourcing issue. And last, they have a technical ability to build the one motor model which was not done at the previous project. 2) External Aspects India is big and continuously growing market India has large Population, and their economy is growing. Also the professional says that patients of CAD will increases in a large number. Asian smokes a lot, and they get stressed, so they are likely to get CAD. However the number of doctors and facilities are very small, and most of them are located in the city. Though by they need a device easy to control and diagnose market prospects has green color. Market size of single-channel is biggest among others market. According to the chart, sales amount of single-channel is 19,825. Considering total amounts of EKG market in India is about 31,000 units, single-channel has a value. Not big in this time, but strong competitors exist. The second external issue is market share. In single-channel market, dominant company is BPL Health, local brand, who has 56% of market. Except BPL Health, there is no strong market leader. Most of them have only 5%, or lower than 5%. GE, most significant competitor, also shows only 4% in this market. Include BPL most of local companies and Asian companies are not a serious problem. Because they don’t catch market needs like aftersales service or product innovation, so they will wipe out natural. But GE is not, Golden lush to single-channel is just starting. Until now, GE focused on high channel market like 3-chaanel or 6-channel market, and ran in to single-channel market recently. But GE has been worked faster than Bella Healthcare definitely. In contrast Bella Healthcare, Bella Healthcare just starts on preparing about single-channel market, GE already participates in these market. And the CEO of GE Healthcare in South Asia set a goal that is big growth in India market within next 2-3years. Other competitive companies like Medi Ved and Perfint Healthcare continuously produce a new model for India market. Although not involved yet, Philips is also a powerful potential rival. They have a 29% market share in 6/12-channel market already. 3) Suggestion Most of internal and external environments shows positive situation, considering circumstances single-channel market is very attractive. But the issue about competition is the reason of hesitation. To solve this problem, they should propel Project TKO to make special product for India market. Then how they can be success in this harsh race? There are two tracks; the first one is be a market leader by their own special function. And the second one is be a fast follower. First strategy Estimated specifications of Bella Healthcare’s new product are not special compare with other competitors that, easy-to-use interface, low weight, high efficiency. But the one thing is different, mobile connectivity. India has a ridiculously little number of medical doctors and terrible accessibility on medical service. 6 physicians per 10,000 people exist. This figure is lower than 1/20 number of UK and almost 1/100 number of USA. Mobile connectivity can help this problem. Through Bella Healthcare’s new product will be able to get a medical service to remote area. If it is possible that patients condition that diagnosis by machine, sends to physician and receive prescribed via mobile, relatively large number of patients can be provided medical service without seeing a specialist directly. But, it can be possible when 1) the technology that can be equipped with wireless capabilities should be exist, 2) they supported by the local telecommunications infrastructure, and 3) add wireless capabilities not make a result the loss of product competitive price. After reviewing the situation, if possible, to do this immediately to become the market leader, it is the first strategy. Second strateg However, if the situation occur like add wireless capabilities is impossible, the lack of telecommunications infrastructure or add wireless capabilities lead to the loss of price competitiveness, the first strategy is to give up quickly. Instead, Bella Healthcare can take Me too strategy by quickly chasing GEs market-leading, and seek s getting a firm second rank in the market. Asian – Pacific market shows fast growth rate about 9-12% per year, because of that ‘Me too’ strategy will be enough to take profits. In addition, this strategy saves RD expense lather then first strategy, so it can ensure price competition.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Evaluation of Marx's and Weber's concept of class relevant to Essay
Evaluation of Marx's and Weber's concept of class relevant to understanding contemporary societies - Essay Example This leads to a relatively impoverished conception of the nature of antagonistic interests generated by class relations. Key readings from Marx ("The Communist Manifesto" and "On Classes") and Weber ("Class, Status, and Party") help us understand the sociological analyses of inequality in the concepts of social class, exploitation, surplus value, markets, status, and power. But there is always a difference of opinion between these two thinkers that clearly contrasts Marx's historical materialism and emphasis on class conflict with Weber's exploration of the overlapping sources of inequality in economic, social, and political spheres. (Chatterjee, 83) The importance of production relations in Marxian theory with Weber's emphasis on market relations could be a key prospect in understanding the basic or fundamental influence on modern European society. It could well be suggested that both property and market dynamics are important by relating each to the concepts of class composition. The basic concept may be incorporated into Weber's emphasis on social closure to more clearly differentiate social classes which could develop into a model of class structure, usefully differentiates relational and gradational conceptualizations of social class, and re-visits some key differences between Marxian and Weberian theory. But the end goal being the evaluation of Marxian and Weberian theory in the perspective of the modern society it could be well punctuated that the basic relevance of these perceptions are present even today but not necessarily in a visible manner. The insights of Marx and Weber remain integral to sociological analyses of inequality even as more recent scholarship has promoted more contextual, and some would say more nuanced, models. (Fletcher, 63) The basic perception of Marxian and Weberian theory relate to several critical debates in sociology, including structure versus agency arguments, functionalist versus social conflict models, and the debate over the primacy of class (as opposed to race or gender). In addition, the book's organization invites readers to think sociologically about the evolution of sociological theory itself; the connections between scholarly debates and the historical periods in which they are grounded are evident throughout the society. The concept of Marxian and Weberian theory is also useful for illuminating some of the differences between American and European intellectual traditions. If theoretical frameworks are identified by their silences as loudly as by their proclamations, then one of the defining characteristics of class analysis in Weberian tradition is the virtual absence of a systematic concept of exploitation. Nothing better captures the central contrast between the Marxist and Weberian traditions of class analysis than the difference between a class concept centred on the problem of life chances in Weber and a concept rooted in the problem of exploitation in Marx. This is not to say that Weber completely ignores some of the substantive issues connected to the problem of exploitation.It can be formulated easily, for example, Weber, like Marx, sees an intimate connection between
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Waterlife Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Waterlife - Essay Example It depicts some of the most fascinating characters ever. They met various personalities from various places throughout the course of their research for the documentary and came up with this fascinating multimedia based site. The documentary shows its viewers the fascinating Great Lakes as it comes across to the seagulls, to the fish or to water molecules. It has shown a host of other amazing perspectives. It has been filmed during a period of one year, using state of art cameras and techniques. The project presents an epic view of the surrounding eco-system. It is a rare sight for most people living within the vicinity who make the majority of the population living there. The documentary moves from the fountains of Chicago to the clouds on the journey. It was made by one of the most innovative and renowned documentary film makers of all times, Kevin McMahon. The project has been expressed as a multi-media project. It is supported by intense animation, video, audio recordings sounds, flash imaging and a moving canvas. The website opens with a flash graph and a soft music playing in the background. The user on the other end is prompted to enter the site and explore the project further. This is the initial immediate view of the project when it is loading. There is global navigation on the bottom of the page. It is shown in the figure below. There are five options in the menu bar on the bottom left and five options on the bottom right. They are pertaining to Water life home, Resources/Community Action, About the Film, Directors Statement and News Screenings. On the bottom right, there is sharing of the page on various sites. On moving the cursor to the left side of the page after entering the site, the user is shown a huge flash menu carrying the list of things he can walk around and listen to on the site. As shown in the figure below, against â€Å"Water is†there is a list of items that has cropped
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Congestive Heart Failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Congestive Heart Failure - Essay Example These goals emphasize problematic areas in health care and explain evidence, as well as expert-derived answers to these problems. Identifying that sound system design is central to the delivery of safe and high quality health care, these goals mainly hub on system-wide solutions, where possible. Nurses, through their expertise, education, as well as superior assessment skills, are in a much better position to reduce the progression of congestive heart failure with both early identification and intervention. With the current rise of the number of people reporting congestive heart failure, nurses will be required to become primary providers for such patients. Also, keeping up with a prescribed plan of care and alterations in poor lifestyle behaviors can lead to an enhanced quality of life and a decrease in mortality (Cintron et al., 1983). Nurses these days are urged to encourage their patients to control diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia; maintain an ideal body weight; quit smoking; restrict dietary sodium; and limit alcohol consumption. Nursing interventions can have the biggest impact on congestive heart failure patients in the abovementioned areas. A nurse can educate her patients concerning contemporary treatment options, as well as identify patients who might b enefit from recent modalities of therapy, for instance, implantable hemodynamic monitors and CRT (Cintron et al., 1983). As primary care practitioners, nurses have to develop proper, lasting relationships with electrophysiologists and cardiologists so as to make expedient referrals and efficiently comanage the patient with congestive heart failure (Cintron et al., 1983). A best practice is a technique or method, which has consistently revealed findings superior to those attained by other means, and which is utilized as a benchmark (Carthon et al., 2015). Furthermore, a "best" practice can grow to become better as enhacements are discovered. Best practice is regarded by
Friday, November 15, 2019
Benefits Of Technology In Business
Benefits Of Technology In Business The term Technology is derived from the Greek word Technologia techne means craft and logia means the study of something. Technology is a very broad concept and is used to refer to several braches of science and study. Some examples are information technology, medical technology, biotechnology, etc. As the term technology branches into various fields of science and study, so do its benefits. Let us look at the benefits of technology in some major areas of day-to-day life: Benefits of Technology in Business: The days when the Chief Information Officer (CIO) took implementation decisions and passed the responsibility down the line are passà ©. Today, the CIO is an individual who possesses business as well as technical skills, understands the new IT issues facing a business, and drives the IT changes from the top down. This is a clear indicator of the benefits businesses are enjoying through the implementation of technology. Today technology is an integral part of any business right from the purchase of computers and software to the implementation of network and security tools. This helps businesses to: Remain up-to-date Drive business forward Sustain and survive competition In short, technology has become one of the significant factors that maximize an organizations ROI. Benefits of Technology in Communication: From hand-held computers to touch phones, technological advancements in the field of communication are endless. The means and the modes of communication are unlimited. Some of the benefits of technological advancements in the field of communication are: Speed time is no longer a constraint in communication Clarity With megapixel images and video, and high fidelity audio systems clarity in communication has become a never-before experience Proximity technological advancements have made the world a smaller place to live in Dissemination whether spreading information, broadcasting news, or sharing knowledge, technology has made it faster, easier, and smarter Benefits of Technology in Education: Technological advancements in the field of education are fast evolving. Today, e-learning is a familiar and popular term. Some of the benefits of technology in this field are: Personalized learning experience: Learners are able to take control and manage their own learning. They set their own goals, manage the process and content of learning, and communicate with peers. Immediate response: Most e-learning programs provide immediate feedbacks on learner assessments. Similarly there are features such as chat, discussion boards, e-libraries, etc that allow clarifications at a faster pace than in traditional classrooms. Self-paced: Learners can chart courses at their own pace. This ensures higher levels of motivation both in terms of completing the course as well as in performance. Greater access: Technological advancements have opened education to learners with learning disabilities and in remote locations. Benefits of Technology in Healthcare: The marriage between medicine and technology has reshaped healthcare and revolutionized the medical profession. Some of the major benefits are: Secure environment: Technology allows physicians and patients to interact in a secure and comfortable environment to discuss sensitive issues. Flexibility: Physicians can answer routine and less critical queries at a convenient time. Cost- and time-saving: Physicians can follow-up, provide advice, and re-direct patients to resources on the Internet. This saves cost and time by reducing office visits. Medical devices: Medical aids allow patients to continue recovery at home reducing their hospital stay. Vulnerable population: Technology aids the very young, elderly, and patients with complex birth defects, chronic illnesses, and disabled children by alleviating their problems so that they can continue living in their homes. Benefits of Technology in Society: Today technology pervades almost all aspects of our daily life from shopping, banking, making travel arrangements to university admissions. Some of the benefits are: Convenience: Provides a great deal of convenience in expediting personal and business transactions be it shopping, banking, or simply paying bills. Speed: From sending gifts to making payments everything gets a done with a few clicks. Communication: The world is a smaller place and technology allows everyone to keep in touch with their families and friends at a more affordable cost. Accuracy: Technology has reduced errors in mundane and monotonous chores, saving time and cost. Development: Technology has brought about development in many fields such as medicine, government, business, education, etc. Technology has evolved and transformed our lives and society. Overall, it has brought about tremendous growth and benefit to mankind. What Are the Benefits of Technology in Business? Whats This? Technological advances in the past few decades have greatly increased the competitive nature of the economic business world. Companies have used software, computers and the Internet to transform their businesses from local places of business to national and global market competitors. Many companies have responded to these changes by automating their business processes and capturing industry-related information and using it to their advantage. Technology has also forced businesses to remain flexible, adapting their operations to newer and better technological advances. Better Reporting Functions Companies that have multiple locations, whether nationally or globally, have used technology to implement better communication services and software modules that communicate to a home base via the Internet. This allows companies to penetrate new economic markets without sacrificing the needs of communication or financial and operational reporting. Additionally, companies can improve their management information system (MIS) to capture information for specific locations when making business decisions. Financial reporting has also benefited greatly from technology; rather than sending external auditors to multiple locations, it is possible to create a centralized accounting office to record and report financial transactions. This improves financial reporting and lessens the expense related to external audits. Increased Employee Productivity Computers and business software packages have exponentially increased employees productivity by allowing them to provide data entry functions or review automated reports. Companies have automated several traditional manufacturing processes; instead of using manpower to manually create and assemble goods, machines and/or robots now complete these functions. While these improvements may increase capital expenditures, they lessen the impact of consistent labor expenses related to productions. Fewer employees are needed to monitor the machines and ensure they are working properly. Other areas, such as customer service, accounting and administrative support, have also seen an increase in employee productivity. Employees now review and report electronically collected data to ensure they are accurate and timely, rather than manually gathering information. Improved Business Mobility Technology has also improved companies sales and service departments by allowing employees to use personal electronic devices to create sales displays and transmit orders and customer information to the home office. These electronic devices shorten the lead time companies spend on receiving and delivering goods or services, creating an instant competitive advantage in the industry. Companies can also send sales representatives to multiple markets at the same time, allowing them to penetrate multiple markets with few overhead costs. Companies may allow their internal employees to work from home using a company Internet connection, reducing the fixed overhead expenses from a large corporate office. Read more: What Are the Benefits of Technology in Business? | Effects of Technology on Business Businesses have been at the forefront of technology for ages. Whatever can speed production will draw in more business. As computers emerged in the 20th century, they promised a new age of information technology. But in order to reap the benefits, businesses needed to adapt and change their infrastructure. For example, American Airlines started using a computerized flight booking system, and Bank of America took on an automated check-processing system. Obviously, now, most business is conducted over personal computers or communication devices. Computers offer companies a way to organize dense databases, personal schedules and various other forms of essential information. As information travels faster and faster and more reliably, barriers of distance disappear, and businesses are realizing how easy it is to outsource jobs overseas. Outsourcing refers to the practice of hiring employees who work outside the company or remotely and even halfway across the world. Companies can outsource duties such as computer programming and telephone customer service. They can even outsource fast-food restuarant service dont be surprised if youre putting in your hamburger order with a fast-food employee working in a different country entirely. Outsourcing is a controversial practice, and many believe that U.S. companies who take part are hurting the job market in their own country. Nonetheless, from a business perspective, it seems like the wisest route, saving companies between 30 and 70 percent [source: Otterman]. Another technology thats starting to revolutionize business is actually not very new its just cheaper these days. Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is infiltrating and changing business significantly in a few ways. Microchips that store information (such as a number equivalent of a barcode and even an up-to-date history of the chips travels) can be attached to product, and this helps companies keep track of their inventory. Some businesses have even begun to use RFID chip implants in humans to tighten security. An access control reader detects the chips signal and permits the employee access to the door. But many people are concerned about privacy issues if this were to become widespread practice. Handheld devices like BlackBerries have become wildly popular for businesses because they let users check and send email from anywhere, and browse the Internet. Internet Business: The Internet enables airlines to provide online flight booking, banks to offer online account management and bill pay and allows any company to sell any product online. In general, the Internet has proven to be an inexpensive way to reach more customers. Nowadays, if you cant find a business online, or if it has an outdated, ugly Web site, it looks downright unprofessional. Many businesses have succeeded in using the Internet as their primary, or sometimes only, medium. (Youre, of course, aware of this, given that youre reading a HowStuffWorks article. HowStuffWorks started as a hobby for college professor Marshall Brain, and it eventually grew into successful company.) Small businesses, too, have become easier to start up using the Internet. If youre a stay-at-home mom who makes a killer batch of cookies, you can easily sell them over the Internet and ship them to your customers. But, its not always as simple as it sounds. Any business conducted online must consider security, privacy or even copyright issues. Copyright issues would include making sure your business doesnt use someone elses original work (such as a logo, for instance) or even making sure no one else is profiting from your businesss creative work. One of the biggest ways the Internet has changed business is through targeted advertising. Using Google, companies can specify the keywords that will drive certain customers to their ad. For instance, if you were to plug the word baking into Google, you might click on a page from That epicurious page will have Google ads from sponsors who sell baking-related products. A company that sells rolling pins can pay to have its ads show up for people who search for specific words, like baking, pies or dough. It makes good business sense people who search for baking on Google will be much more likely to click on a rolling pin ad than the average person. Despite what weve discussed in this article, we havent even scratched the surface of what new technology can do for business communications. The next page provides links to even more articles on information technology and products that have business implications.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
My Daughters Seizures :: Health Medical Seizures Illnesses Essays
My Daughter's Seizures GENERALIZED TONIC-CLONIC - (also called Grand Mal) Sudden cry, fall, rigidity, followed by muscle jerks, shallow breathing or temporarily suspended breathing, bluish skin, possible loss of bladder or bowel control, usually lasts a couple of minutes. Normal breathing then starts again. There may be some confusion and/or fatigue, followed by return to full consciousness. Comments: Protect head from injury. Turn on side to keep airway clear. Don't restrain ABSENCE - (also called Petit Mal) A blank stare, beginning and ending abruptly, lasting only a few seconds, most common in children. May be chewing movement of the mouth. Child is unaware of what's going on during the seizure but quickly returns to full awareness once it has stopped. May result in learning difficulties if not recognized and treated. Comments: No first aid necessary Daydreaming Lack of attention SIMPLE PARTIAL Jerking may begin in one area of body, arm, leg or face. Can't be stopped but patient stays awake. Jerking may proceed from one area of the body to another, and sometimes spreads to become a convulsive seizure. Partial sensory seizure may not be obvious to an onlooker. Patient experiences a distorted environment. May see or hear things that aren't there, may feel unexplained fear, sadness, anger or joy. May have nausea, experience odd smells, and have a generally "funny" feeling in the stomach. Comments: Acting out bizarre behavior Hysteria COMPLEX PARTIAL - (also called Psychomotor or Temporal Lobe) Usually starts with blank stare, followed by chewing followed by random activity. Person appears unaware of surroundings. May seem dazed and mumble. Unresponsive. Actions clumsy, not directed. May pick at clothing, pick up objects, try to take clothes off. May run, appear afraid. May struggle. Once pattern established same set of actions usually occur with each seizure. Lasts a few minutes, but post-seizure confusion can last substantially longer. No memory of what happened during seizure period. Comments: Drunkenness Guide gently away from obvious hazards Don't shout Don't restrain ATONIC SEIZURES - (also called Drop Attacks) A child or adult suddenly collapses and falls, after ten seconds to a minute recovers, regains consciousness and can stand and walk again. Comments: Clumsiness Normal childhood "stages" In a child, lack of good walking skills MYOCLONIC SEIZURES Sudden brief, massive muscle jerks that may involve the whole body or parts of the body. May cause person to spill what they were holding or fall off a chair. Comments: Clumsiness Poor coordination INFANTILE SPASMS These are clusters of quick, sudden movement that start between three months and two years. If a child is sitting up, the head will fall forward, and the arms will flex forward.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Theme of “Counterparts”
Alcoholism is the main theme in â€Å"Counterparts†, we are introduces to Farrington, a legal clerk, who is verbally abused by his authoritarian boss, Mr. Alleyne, has given a demanding deadline to make a copy of a contract. It is made clear early on in the story that Farrington has a long desire for a drink and shortly after returning to complete his paper work is taunted by the music, and laughter coming from the local bar nearby, therefore, Ferrington sneaks out for a glass of porter.Upon his return, the chief clerk tells him that Mr. Alleyne, in need of the paperwork for the a case,and has been looking for him. Farrington delivers the files, hoping that his boss won’t notice that the last two letters are not complete. After Farrington returns to his desk, knowing full and well he will have missed his deadline because he will not be able to complete copying the contract on time, he begins dreaming of spending the night pub crawling, then suddenly interrupted by a ver y upset Mr.Alleyne who yells at him in about the missing letters screams â€Å"do you think me an utter fool? †when Farrington gives him a pertinent response, Mr. Alleyne demands an apology which embarrasses Farrington and makes him more miserable. Later on, Farrington hopes to get the company cashier alone so he can borrow money against his wages, but there's no hope and the only way he can get money for his carouse is to pawn his watch, for which he gets six shillings.He meets his buddies Davy Byrne, O' Halloran and Paddy Leonard and falsely tells them that he was able to trick his boss. They buy rounds of drinks and Higgins comes in and adds glorious embellishments to Farrington's run-in with Alleyne. After numerous drinks, they take off for the Scotch House where they meet young Weathers, an acrobat and an artist. They continue to drink and after this bar closes they continue on to Mulligan's, where a woman catches Farrington's eye then rebuffs him.Then he becomes surly and starts bemoaning his sorry, impoverished life. He thinks of how he has spent his money on drinks and how young Weathers drinks more than he buys. The night continues in typical drunken raucousness and arm wrestling until Farrington, angry now, accuses Weathers of cheating when he is defeated Farrington's anger continues to mount on his way home: â€Å"a very sullen man stood on the corner of O'Connell Bridge,†and once again he regrets pawning his watch, especially since (he thinks) he isn't even drunk .His reputation as a mighty man has been lost to young Weathers: â€Å"he had lost his reputation as a strong man, having been defeated twice by a mere boy†and his â€Å"heart swelled with fury†. When he enters his home he finds a cold dinner. Tom, one of his five children, tells him his wife is at church and Farrington orders the boy to heat his dinner. Little Tom obeys but Farrington notices the fire has gone out, chases the boy and beats him brutally with a stick despite the child's pleading cries for mercy: â€Å"Don't beat me, Pa!I'll say a Hail Mary for you pa, if you don't beat me†. The clearest example of this theme is in â€Å"Counterparts,†where the main character, Farrington, can think of nothing other than how to get drunk. He jeopardizes his career and spends all his money on alcohol, briefly feeling like an important man while telling stories to his friends in the bar. However, the effects of heavy drinking catch up with him later in the evening, when he is out of money but is not drunk enough to forget his problems. He goes home and takes his disappointment by beating. Theme of â€Å"Counterparts†Alcoholism is the main theme in â€Å"Counterparts†, we are introduces to Farrington, a legal clerk, who is verbally abused by his authoritarian boss, Mr. Alleyne, has given a demanding deadline to make a copy of a contract. It is made clear early on in the story that Farrington has a long desire for a drink and shortly after returning to complete his paper work is taunted by the music, and laughter coming from the local bar nearby, therefore, Ferrington sneaks out for a glass of porter.Upon his return, the chief clerk tells him that Mr. Alleyne, in need of the paperwork for the a case,and has been looking for him. Farrington delivers the files, hoping that his boss won’t notice that the last two letters are not complete. After Farrington returns to his desk, knowing full and well he will have missed his deadline because he will not be able to complete copying the contract on time, he begins dreaming of spending the night pub crawling, then suddenly interrupted by a ver y upset Mr.Alleyne who yells at him in about the missing letters screams â€Å"do you think me an utter fool? †when Farrington gives him a pertinent response, Mr. Alleyne demands an apology which embarrasses Farrington and makes him more miserable. Later on, Farrington hopes to get the company cashier alone so he can borrow money against his wages, but there's no hope and the only way he can get money for his carouse is to pawn his watch, for which he gets six shillings.He meets his buddies Davy Byrne, O' Halloran and Paddy Leonard and falsely tells them that he was able to trick his boss. They buy rounds of drinks and Higgins comes in and adds glorious embellishments to Farrington's run-in with Alleyne. After numerous drinks, they take off for the Scotch House where they meet young Weathers, an acrobat and an artist. They continue to drink and after this bar closes they continue on to Mulligan's, where a woman catches Farrington's eye then rebuffs him.Then he becomes surly and starts bemoaning his sorry, impoverished life. He thinks of how he has spent his money on drinks and how young Weathers drinks more than he buys. The night continues in typical drunken raucousness and arm wrestling until Farrington, angry now, accuses Weathers of cheating when he is defeated Farrington's anger continues to mount on his way home: â€Å"a very sullen man stood on the corner of O'Connell Bridge,†and once again he regrets pawning his watch, especially since (he thinks) he isn't even drunk .His reputation as a mighty man has been lost to young Weathers: â€Å"he had lost his reputation as a strong man, having been defeated twice by a mere boy†and his â€Å"heart swelled with fury†. When he enters his home he finds a cold dinner. Tom, one of his five children, tells him his wife is at church and Farrington orders the boy to heat his dinner. Little Tom obeys but Farrington notices the fire has gone out, chases the boy and beats him brutally with a stick despite the child's pleading cries for mercy: â€Å"Don't beat me, Pa!I'll say a Hail Mary for you pa, if you don't beat me†. The clearest example of this theme is in â€Å"Counterparts,†where the main character, Farrington, can think of nothing other than how to get drunk. He jeopardizes his career and spends all his money on alcohol, briefly feeling like an important man while telling stories to his friends in the bar. However, the effects of heavy drinking catch up with him later in the evening, when he is out of money but is not drunk enough to forget his problems. He goes home and takes his disappointment by beating.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Revolutionary War Hero Ethan Allen
The Revolutionary War Hero Ethan Allen Ethan Allen was born in Litchfield, Connecticut in 1738. He fought in the American Revolutionary War. Allen was the leader of the Green Mountain Boys and along with Benedict Arnold captured Fort Ticonderoga from the British in 1775 in what was the first American victory of the war. After Allen’s attempts to have Vermont become a state failed, he then unsuccessfully petitioner to have Vermont become part of Canada. Vermont became a state two years after Allen’s death in 1789. Early Years Ethan Allen was born on January 21, 1738, to Joseph and Mary Baker Allen in Litchfield, Connecticut, Shortly after birth, the family moved to the neighboring town of Cornwall. Joseph wanted him to attend Yale University, but as the oldest of eight children, Ethan was forced to run the family property upon Josephs’ death in 1755. Around 1760, Ethan made his first visit to the New Hampshire Grants, which is presently in the state of Vermont. At the time, he was serving in the Litchfield County militia fighting in the Seven Years’ War. In 1762, Ethan married Mary Brownson and they had five children. After Mary’s death in 1783, Ethan married Frances Fanny Brush Buchanan in 1784 and they had three children. The beginning of the Green Mountain Boys Although Ethan served in the French and Indian War, he did not see any action. After the war, Allen purchased land near the New Hampshire Grants in what is now Bennington, Vermont. Shortly after purchasing this land, a dispute arose between New York and New Hampshire over the land’s sovereign ownership. In 1770, in response to a New York Supreme Court ruling that the New Hampshire Grants were invalid, a militia named the â€Å"Green Mountain Boys†was formed in order to keep their land free and clear from the so-called â€Å"Yorkers†. Allen was named as their leader and the Green Mountain Boys used intimidation and sometimes violence in order to force the Yorkers to leave. Role in the American Revolution At the onset of the Revolutionary War, the Green Mountain Boys immediately joined forces with the Continental Army. The Revolutionary War officially began on April 19, 1775, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. A major consequence of the â€Å"Battles†was the Siege of Boston whereby colonial militiamen surrounded the city in an attempt to keep the British Army from leaving Boston. After the siege began, Massachusetts military governor for the British, General Thomas Gage realized the importance of Fort Ticonderoga and sent a dispatch to General Guy Carleton, Quebec’s governor, ordering him to send additional troops and munitions to Ticonderoga. Before the dispatch could reach Carleton in Quebec, the Green Mountain Boys led by Ethan and in a joint effort with Colonel Benedict Arnold were ready to attempt to overthrow the British at Ticonderoga. At the break of dawn on May 10, 1775, the Continental Army won the first American victory of the young war when it crossed Lake Champlain and a force that numbered around one hundred militiamen overran the fort and captured the British forces while they slept. There was not a single soldier killed on either side nor were there any serious injuries during this battle. The following day, a group of the Green Mountain Boys led by Seth Warner took Crown Point, which was another British fort just a few miles north of Ticonderoga. One major result of these battles was that colonial forces now had the artillery that they would need and use throughout the War. Ticonderoga’s location made the perfect staging ground for Continental Army to initiate their first campaign during the Revolutionary War – an invasion of into the British-held province of Quebec, Canada. Attempt to Overtake Fort St. John In May, Ethan led a detachment of 100 Boys to overtake Fort St. John. The group was in four bateaux, but failed to take provisions and after two days without food, his men were extremely hungry. They came across on Lake St. John, and while Benedict Arnold provided the men food he also attempted to discourage Allen from his goal. However, he refused to heed the warning. When the group landed just above the fort, Allen learned that at least 200 British regulars were approaching. Being outnumbered, he led his men across the Richelieu River where his men spent the night. While Ethan and his men rested, the British began to fire artillery at them from across the river, causing the Boys to panic and return to Ticonderoga. Upon their return, Seth Warner replaced Ethan as the leader of the Green Mountain Boys due to their losing respect for Allen’s actions in trying to overtake Fort St. John. Campaign in Quebec Allen was able to convince Warner to allow him to stay on as a civilian scout as the Green Mountain Boys were participating in the campaign in Quebec. On September 24, Allen and about 100 men crossed the Saint Lawrence River, but the British had been alerted to their presence. In the ensuing Battle of Longue-Pointe, he and about 30 of his men were captured. Allen was imprisoned in Cornwall, England for approximately two years and returned to the United States on May 6, 1778, as part of a prisoner exchange. Time After the War Upon his return, Allen settled in Vermont, a territory which had declared its independence from the United States as well as from Britain. He took it upon himself to petition the Continental Congress to make Vermont the fourteenth U.S. state, but due to Vermont having disputes with surrounding states of over the rights to the territory, his attempt failed. He then negotiated with Canadian governor Frederick Haldimand to become part of Canada but those attempts also failed. His attempts to have Vermont become part of Canada which would have reunited the state with Great Britain, eroded the public’s confidence in his political and diplomatic capabilities. In 1787, Ethan retired to his home in what is now Burlington, Vermont. He died in Burlington on February 12, 1789. Two years later, Vermont joined the United States. Two of Ethan’s sons graduated from West Point and then serve in the United States Army. His daughter Fanny converted to Catholicism and then she entered a convent. A grandson, Ethan Allen Hitchcock, was a Union Army general in the American Civil War.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse essays
Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse essays Out of the Dust is a story about a girl, Billie Jo, her mother and father are struggling through financial hardship on the farm. The setting is Oklahoma, in 1934, and as we know, life in the thirties is very tough. The book doesn't say much about her father, but in the book, it gives me an impression that he feels a strong connection to their homeland. Her father always wanted to have a boy, so he named his daughter Billie Jo. Her mother comes from superior background. Her mother plays the piano beautifully and, whenever she plays, Billie Jo's father stands in the doorway and watches her with something in his eyes Billie Jo hardly ever sees. Billie Jo also plays piano, but not as good as her mom, and as she says in the book, she wishes she can get her fathers attention, too, like her mom does. Billie Jo's mother is pregnant and they're all looking forward to the baby's arrival. However, before the baby arrives, there is a dust storm. It kills many of their neighbors. So they decide to move to California where things are seems to be better. However, Billie Jos father refuse to move, he says that he has lived through hard times before and he makes his family to stay, too. The climax is the tragedy. Unfortunately, one day, her father leaves a pail of kerosene by the stove and her mother thinks that is water and throws it on the stove. The flames blow out; they kill her mother and the baby. They also burn Billie Jo and permanently leave a scar on her hands, so that playing the piano becomes impossible for her now. Life becomes miserable to Billie Jo's. She has always thinks it is hard to communicate with her father, plus after the death of her mother and the baby, her father becomes more unreachable. Therefore, Billie Jo decides to run away home to get away from the dust and leaves behind everything she has ever loved. ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Alternative Energy Engineering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Alternative Energy Engineering - Research Paper Example One method of restricting the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere is to leach out the CO2 from the fuels reducing the amount of carbon emitted per unit in a process known as decarbonization. The CO2 is then sequestered back into reservoirs; the advantage of this that the process is compatible with the existing fossil fuel infrastructures and the excess CO2 is sent back into the feedback cycle. Natural sequestration reservoirs are the forest and oceans of the planet. Fossil fuel use is gradually moving towards fuels with lower carbon contents such from coal to oil and gas and it is thought that eventually, mankind will use H2, a carbon-neutral fuel exclusively. However, till that happens, carbonization and sequestration is one method that can be used to control our green house gas emissions. More efficient methods of sequestration will have to evolve including ‘calcination’ (trapping CO2 in calcium compounds) and reacting the gas with the mineral serpentine to create blocks o f magnesium which can displace large amounts of CO2 effectively.The authors discuss that due to the increased dependence of fossil fuel in the modern society, atmospheric CO2 has increased from 275 ppm to 370 ppm and if the levels reach 550ppm it could trigger catastrophic events in the climate. Our energy consumption today is 12TW, of which 85% is fossil-fueled and some estimates indicate that we would require at least 15 TW of ‘emission-free’ power by mid century to continue the development of the society.
Friday, November 1, 2019
The fast food industry should be regulated in a similar manner to the Essay
The fast food industry should be regulated in a similar manner to the tobacco industry - Essay Example Governments also need to reaffirm their actions concerning fast foods and this way, prevent people from becoming overweight and obese. This paper argues that the fast food industry needs to be regulated in a similar manner to the tobacco industry. This should be done through evidence based regulations which ensure that public health objectives are adhered to in a more efficient manner. Eating habits have changed dramatically in recent times. This has seen the emergence of the fast food industry, which is currently one of the multibillion dollar businesses worldwide and that has a wide influence on what we consume. The development of the fast food business is accompanied by growing apprehension over health issues. The consequences of taking fast food are very serious as it leads to obesity, irregular weight gain and increased risks of insulin resistance in the body among others. For these and other reasons, concerns have been raised regarding the fast food industry and its regulation has been raised as a way to prevent the problems that emerge from its existence. This paper argues that the fast food industry should be regulated in a similar manner to the tobacco industry. The essence of fast food is to have quick food that easily saves time. It therefore represents efficiency and gratification. Fast food industries are often successful because they provide an option to quicker, convenient and tasty food. This food may have all these positive characteristics but in reality, it is usually high in fat and salt content and has low amounts of calcium and fiber, making it dangerous to health. There is a rapid rise in health cases such as obesity in the current century; the sad thing is that it is mostly linked to children (Robinson et al., 2007). Obesity causes an opportunity for increased cholesterol and fats, which leads to a high risk of heart related
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