Saturday, December 28, 2019
Jane Austen s Sense And Sensibility - 1521 Words
Jane Austen is an English romantic novelist whose books emphasize the significance of strong sibling relationships. Her novel Sense and Sensibility tells the story of two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, who experience great love and lost. Throughout the novel, Elinor and Marianne encounter challenges, which alters each of them, and these individu18al changes transform their sisterhood. Elinor and Marianne are close in age and are both educated, but their difference in character causes opposition. Elinor is sensible and this causes her to be selfless, practical, sensible, and responsible, while Marianne’s indulgence in her sentiments causes her to be selfish, and rude. Yet, as the novel continues the dynamic of their relationship improves. In this paper, I will argue that the tension between Marianne and Elinor emerges because of differences in their personality. However, as the novel progresses the tension between the two heroines decrease because Marianne becomes more like Elinor. There have been many speculations of what causes the tension in Elinor and Marianne’s sisterhood. One critic, Gila P. Reinstein, claims that â€Å"The true opposition in the novel is between selfishness and selflessness†(275). Reinstein supports this argument by analyzing the heroines’ actions and their patterns of speech and thought. Although I agree that the contrasting characteristics of selflessness and selfishness play a monumental role in the developing tension between the two heroines,Show MoreRelatedJane Austen s Sense And Sensibility1616 Words  | 7 Pagesthe workforce and as independents; various female writers paved the way for this sense of respect toward women and an overall female reformation. Although women were mainly acknowledged for their domestic role in the home and their social role as secondary to their husband, Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility illustrates the fullness of female capability while breaking the capt ive social role of women in this time; Austen accomplishes this through contrasting the traditional view of women and a reformedRead MoreJane Austen s Sense And Sensibility1467 Words  | 6 PagesJane Austen s Sense and Sensibility is often read as two sisters who represent either sense or sensibility. In Ang Lee s cinematic adaptation of the book, there is obvious preference to the value of emotions, of the heart, and this approach lends an interpretation of what is otherwise left unanswered in the book. From the onset of Sense and Sensibility, Elinor is characterized by her â€Å"coolness of judgment†and her overall ability to use her sense to the benefit of the Dashwoods. (44) MarianneRead MoreJane Austen s Sense And Sensibility1562 Words  | 7 PagesJane Austen’s novel Sense and Sensibility, contains many themes common to novels of her time such as class, inheritance, and love. In particular, love is one of the most prominent themes throughout the novel. W hile the novel features a complex intertwining of multiple characters’ lives, it mainly focuses on that of the two eldest Dashwood daughters, Elinor and Marianne. In particular, our focus is on that of the second to oldest, Marianne. She experiences a whirlwind romance with the dashing JohnRead MoreThe World Of Jane Austen s Sense And Sensibility Essay1710 Words  | 7 PagesSociety, courtship and communication in Sense and Sensibility In the world of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, sense is given such a high social governance on all expression, both emotionally and simply conversationally. This occurs even to the point where it is found widely in courtship, which is also heavily regulated and controlled by tradition and the possible stigmatized backlash from not following convention. It can also be found that conversation has a distinction on what is acceptableRead MoreJane Austen s Sense And Sensibility983 Words  | 4 PagesJane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility takes a critical look at the limitations women possessed at the turn of the eighteenth century. Consequently, the success of a woman was entirely dependent on a man. In the novel, the main protagonists represent these two persuasions of thought. Elenor Dashwood, the eldest daughter in the Dashwood household, portrays sense. In contrast, her younger sister, Marianne Dashwood represents sensibility. The dichotomy of the title carries hi storical significance in aRead MoreJane Austen s Novel And True Classic Sense And Sensibility1427 Words  | 6 PagesThere are many authors whose works are considered to be classics; perhaps the most influential is Jane Austen. Jane Austen wrote six novels, that in today’s world, we call classics. Her first novel and true classic Sense and Sensibility, was published in 1811 at a time when the world was just starting to write full length novels. Though Jane Austen only lived to be forty-one, she contributed much too modern literature; such as being one of the first major authors to make use of the three volume novelRead More Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice: Novel and Movie Essay652 Words  | 3 PagesJane Austens Pride and Prejudice: Novel and Movie Pride and Prejudice, the novel by Jane Austen, and Sense and Sensibility, the movie based on the novel by Austen, share many striking similarities. These similarities lie in the characters, plots and subplots between these characters, the settings, and the overall style and themes used in creating the two works. Jane Austen uses extremely similar characters in almost the exact same situation in Pride and Prejudice and Sense and SensibilityRead MoreSense And Sensibility By Jane Austen1123 Words  | 5 PagesSense and Sensibility was written by Jane Austen in 1811, the novel describes the life of three young sisters after the death of their father. The sisters; Elinor, Margaret, and Marianne Dashwood each are forced to leave their homes with their mother, Mrs. Dashwood, when their father passes and their home is inherited by Mr. Dashwood’s son, from his first marriage, John Dashwood. The young women and their mother vacate the home filled with the atrocious presence of Mr. Dashwood’s first wife, FannyRead MoreJane Austen And The Golden Mean2893 Words  | 12 PagesFebruary 2015 Jane Austen and The Golden Mean One of the most famous authors of the Regency period, Jane Austen, the novelist whom wrote Sense and Sensibility and many other novels, made a splash in the literature world for women. Being a woman was very difficult during the Regency period and women were not treated as equals to men. In the novel, Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen shows the strength of women and how even when all the odds are against them hope still exists. Austen demonstrates howRead MoreCivilized, Sense And Sensibility, By Jane Austen1455 Words  | 6 PagesEnjoyable, civilized Sense and Sensibility was the first and one of Jane Austen s novels; she wrote it in 1795, but it was not published for 16 years. It was written by a young woman who ostensibly had little experience of the world - although her fiction proves she missed the little that occurred on her domestic stage - and the story reflects that orientation, as a mother and her three daughters wait passively while all the interesting men in the vici nity disappear on unexplained missions to
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Gun Control and the Second Amendment - 2364 Words
The Second Amendment to the Constitution says, â€Å"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed†(Agresti, 2009, para. 2). Based on a simple reading of this, it would seem that people do have the right to own and use firearms. So why are so many people trying to ban guns? Maybe it is because they do not understand what the Second Amendment actually means. Maybe it is because the media only reports the crimes committed with guns and not the lives saved with them. What would happen to the crime rate in the United States if guns were banned altogether as other countries have done? While some people think guns should be banned, it has been†¦show more content†¦(2010). [Murder and Handgun Murder Rate per 100,000 Population in Chicago]. Chicago citizens are now allowed to have guns at home for the purpose of self-defense, but they still have the toughest guns laws in the country. They are allowed to keep the guns at home, but not take them outside at all, not even to a garage if the garage is separated from the house. San Francisco had a ban on handguns in public housing. Because the Supreme Court had ruled that the Second Amendment gave people a right to own guns at home, people in public housing in San Francisco said the ban was unlawful and filed a lawsuit against the city. McKinley (2008) from the New York Times reported â€Å"The lawsuit said the ban violated the Second Amendment and ‘renders responsible, law-abiding adult public housing residents especially vulnerable’†(para. 2). The reason they would be especially vulnerable is that they would be the only ones that would not have a way to defend themselves. Criminals would know this and target those areas instead of risking injury t oShow MoreRelatedGun Control And The Second Amendment1391 Words  | 6 Pages In the Constitution, the second amendment gives the American people to have the right to possess and bear arms. This amendment has been the most controversial issue since guns have been around. Issues such as gun control and gun ownership have remained a matter of debate and have been floating around in Congress. It has been rumored that Congress is forced to draft certain legislation in order to come up with a law against unlawful use of arms, and only owning them for safety purposes. When it comesRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment Essay1386 Words  | 6 PagesThe second amendment has always been deeply rooted in the American culture and constitution. The amendment states A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Being able to protect ourselves, gives us Americans a peace of mind, but n ow-a-days people are thinking otherwise. Being able to access a firearm so easily without a thorough deep background/mental health check is un-nerving. In the last twoRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment1179 Words  | 5 Pages13 colonies. The Second Amendment has been up for many debates, especially in the recent light of mass shootings in the US. But does the entire removal and ban of firearms really work? Gun control and the second amendment has been a never ending conflict between politicians. As we look further into gun control there are more draw backs for the citizens than benefits. The Second Amendment was ratified to the US Constitution on December 17, 1791 by Congress. The Second Amendment states â€Å"A well-regulatedRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment1166 Words  | 5 Pagesterrible about the Second Amendment; because pro-gun zealots use the Second Amendment to protect their immoral actions, but this is their twisted and corrupted interpretation on the meaning and intent of the Amendment because this is in no way the original premise of the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms laid out in the Second Amendment is just because guns are weapons for self-defense. Precautions are taken on gun control, such as keeping a permanent record of all gun sales, requiring a licenseRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesGuns, Guns, Guns. In today’s news Gun Control, has become a controversial topic. I have heard many people say that, â€Å"Guns don’t kill people, people kill people†. So, do we need gun control? People talk because they have mouths, they don’t know the extent about gun violence. About half of the country’s population is for / against gun control. Consistently, the media outlets are reporting shootings, that is accidental or intentional whichever way it is trending across the United States. Stronger gunRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment994 Words  | 4 Pagescrimes take place every second and there is nothing we can do about it. Not only that, but, with the dramatic rise in mass shootings in our nation comes a compelling division between political and legal agendas predicated on the Second Amendment. I want to emphasize that every single crime is violent whether is involves a handgun, knife or nothing at all. Everyone in our nation knows the law and it is the offenders choices to break it and harm others. With that being said, guns dont kill people, butRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment Essay1981 Words  | 8 Page s Gun Control has been a controversy for as long as people can remember. This Controversy has increased recently due to the mass shootings taken place all over the United States. Gun control has its pros and cons, Some believe â€Å"Gun control laws state that the Second Amendment was intended for militias; that gun violence would be reduced; that gun restrictions have always existed; and that a majority of Americans, including gun owners, support new gun restrictions.†While others say that the SecondRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment1850 Words  | 8 PagesWhenever the Second Amendment is discussed, gun control is usually the focus of the discussion due to the connections that gun control and the Second Amendment have. Although the Second Amendment protects the individual right to firearms, the unlimited right is not. America was founded through guns, using their own arms to fight the British in order to gain independence, making it natural for America to be heav ily focused on guns. However, many people have abused the weapon, making the controversialRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment922 Words  | 4 PagesGun control has been a long debate to determine if it’s better to have stricter access to firearms. America is one of the few countries that has gun rights embedded in their constitution. But what makes the US exceptional is that it has the right to keep and bear arms, other countries do not provide the right to have access to them, but rather, the government is allowed to regulate its use. The right to bear arms has also been the cause of growing violence and crime, at least according to anti-gunRead MoreThe Second Amendment And Gun Control928 Words  | 4 Pagesothers’ view of our own person are sometimes just as or more important. In reference to the Second Amendment and gun control, the author, Saul Cornell, makes a case for how sometimes every group can think they are the ones in the right, but at the s ame time, every group can ultimately be in the wrong. It is important to think of not just right or wrong and the rights given to citizens by the Second Amendment to the Constitution, but to think back deeper into history as well and what helped to found
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Global Training and Development Trends Technology
Question: Discuss about the Global Training and Development Trends Technology. Answer: Introduction The paper would effectively focus on understanding the effectiveness of the human resources functions in business institutions in terms of the value additions generated by it. Empirical discussions would be carried through the use of different articles and literary sources to understand the value additions generated by human resources functions to a firm. Human Resources Functions as Value Additions During the early periods firms involved in manufacturing and construction activities were mostly observed in incorporating human resources tools and processes like redesigning of business processes and structure of the firms, redesigning of job roles and also development of internal competencies for generating needed productivity and efficiency. The utilisation of the above human resources tools rightly contributed in not only effectively aligning the business functions regarding sales and support systems but also helped in augmenting the sales revenues of the business institution. Further, the inclusion of the above human resources processes also contributed in the regeneration of new job roles and positions in the organisation thereby encouraging redeployment of existing employees and eliminating redundant positions in the firm. The above facts provided potentially reflect the value added functions of human resources in business organisations (Ferdman Sagiv, 2012). Further, the value additions of human resources functions in an organisation can be effectively evaluated based on the development of organisational potentials for contributing in the effective implementation and execution of strategic objectives of the firm. The development of the potentials of the human resources components is effectively rendered based on the development of training and development such that the same helps in enhancing the level of expertise and knowledge of the internal people for fulfilling of the firms business and strategic goals. The value additions generated by the human resources functions in an organisation is also effectively reflected based on the enhancement of the bottom-line parameters of the firm like profitability and revenue (Podsiadlowski et al., 2013). Again, the present day human resources functions potentially involve the use of different technologies and software that require reduced amount of human intervention for fulfilment of business and organisational objectives. The same contributes in faster and effective meeting of business goals and vision while also reducing the human resources cost of the firm(Hults, 2011). Enhancement of People Productivity and Organisational Performance The success and growth on a long term scale for the business institutions is effectively rendered through not only in enhancing personal expertise and knowledge of the internal people but also through motivating them through the use of financial and non-financial incentives. Moreover, the leadership training and development functions along with development of the internal communication process of the firms potentially contribute in enhancing the leadership skills and abilities of the people to monitor and execute business functions and also in sustaining the level of collaboration between different stakeholder groups respectively. The development of the communication potentials inside the organisation also helps in development of teamwork and collaboration between the different internal teams for fulfilment of shared organisational goals. The above aspects rightly help in augmenting the performance and productivity potentials of the firm (Stevens Ogunji, 2010). Acquisition and Retention of Potential Talents The human resources functions associated to recruitment and selection potentially contribute in hiring the right type of manpower needed to adequately address the different job roles and functions in an organisation. The human resources manager for recruiting the right category and types of organisational personnel is firstly required to focus on the generation of effective job descriptions and roles. The identification of specific job roles in a firm and thereby in describing the requirements of the job roles to the newly appointed or promoted staffs ideally help in the reduction of role conflicts and thereby contributing to the fulfilment of departmental and organisational goals. Similarly, the human resources managers also focus on development of an effective recruitment and selection process for recruiting people with needed organisational skills and potentials. The quality personnel recruited by the human resources managers within the firm are focused on being retained through t he incorporation of effective motivational and compensation tools (Ongori Nzonzo, 2011). Collaboration with Existing Rules and Regulations The human resources managers operating in business institutions are required to possess the right amount of knowledge associated to rules and regulations and legislations pertaining to the recruitment of manpower, working hours in the firm, compensation and motivation systems and also the development of an effective working atmosphere like enhancement of safety standards in the workplace. The human resources department is required to focus on the development of effective code of conducts that ideally match the external rules and regulations concerning employment laws. Similarly, human resources managers operating in multinational organisations are also required to focus on the development of diversity training and inclusion programs in that the same would help the organisation operates based on incorporation of a multicultural workforce for fulfilment of stated goals and objectives. The above activities on the part of human resources managers ideally contribute in reducing the legisl ative costs for the business organisation and in enhancing the level of firm productivity in the long run (Olsen Martins, 2012). Development of Planning Programs The human resources managers effectively focus on the development of planning programs associated with the human resources needs of the business institutions along a future period with also the development of futuristic compensation programs and training requirements of the internal people. The identification of training needs of the internal people rightly help the human resources managers for the development of effective training and manpower development programs that would ideally help in enhancing the productivity and skill sets of the people. Further, the human resources managers also focus on understanding and evaluating the increase in manpower costs of the organisation based on planning of manpower and compensation needs of the firms (Edewor Aluko, 2007). Conducting of Appraisals and Manpower Reviews Human resources functions inside an organisation require the human resources managers to essentially focus on the conducting of periodic reviews of human resources policies and rules and also in appraising the performance of both the managerial and staff level personnel in the organisation. The conducting of periodic reviews and appraisals rightly contribute in enhancing the level of effectiveness and potentials of rules, regulations and internal people in meeting the contemporary business and organisational objectives. The human resources managers are continually required to research and deploy new performance appraisal systems like the 360 Degree Performance Appraisal process and also align effective benchmarks based on current requirements for evaluating the performance potentials of the internal people (Bhatia Kaur, 2014). Integrating Human Resources with other Organisational Functions The human resources functions of the business institution gain effectiveness in that the same is required to be integrated with the different organisational departments for helping in the meeting of the desired organisational and departmental objectives. The integration of the human resources functions with the requirements of the different departments contributes in the identification the different job roles and thereby in describing the duties required to be performed for meeting the job roles (Rozkwitalska, 2012). The generation of job descriptions and roles in a specific manner relative to each department ideally contributes in identification and selection of manpower possessing the right calibre that would effectively match the diverse job roles. Further, the promotions of the staffs to higher organisational hierarchies are required to be rendered by the human resources manager based on evaluating their performance potentials. The same contributes in enhancing the level of fairn ess regarding the conducting of human resources functions and also in selecting the right personnel for the higher organisational posts. Further, the selection of quality manpower for the different positions would also help the business institution in serving and addressing the needs of the customers in an effective fashion (Shi Wang, 2011). Facilitating Change Management Functions The human resources management of the organisation earns effectiveness in facilitating the change management initiatives undertaken by the organisation through the introduction of new technological and business processes. The introduction of new processes requires the human resources department of the organisation for effectively planning of training and development functions such that the same would contribute in enhancing the expertise and productivity of the organisational members for performing and competing in the new business and organisational environment. It would thereby help in enhancing the potentials and efficiencies of the internal people and make them perform in a motivated fashion in the changed organisational system based on the use of new technology and processes (Salas et al., 2012). Conclusions The analysis carried out in the paper through the incorporation of empirical discussions ideally reflect the different types of value additions generated by human resources functions carried out within a firm. References Bhatia, A. Kaur, L., 2014. Global Training Development trends Practices: An Overview. International Journal of Emerging Research in Management Technology, 3(8), pp.75-78. Edewor, P.A. Aluko, Y.A., 2007. Diversity Management, Challenges and Opportunities in Multicultural Organizations. International Journal of the Diversity , 6(6), pp.189-95. Ferdman, B.M. Sagiv, L., 2012. Diversity in Organizations and Cross-Cultural Work Psychology: What If They Were More Connected? Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 5(3), pp.1-51. Hults, B., 2011. Why HR Really Does Add Value. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 December 2016]. Olsen, J.E. Martins, L.L., 2012. Understanding organizational diversity management programs: A theoretical framework and directions for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(8), pp.1168-87. Ongori, H. Nzonzo, J.C., 2011. Training and development practices in an organisation: an intervention to enhance organisational effectiveness. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences , 2(4), pp.187-98. Podsiadlowski, A., Grschke, D. Kogler, M., 2013. Managing a culturally diverse workforce: Diversity perspectives in organizations. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, pp.159-75. Rozkwitalska, M., 2012. Accepted and strong organisational culture in multinational corporations. Journal of Intercultural Management, 4(3), pp.5-14. Salas, E., Tannenbaum, S.I. Kraiger, K., 2012. The Science of Training and Development in Organizations: What Matters in Practice. Psychological Science in the Public Interest , 13(2), pp.74-101. Shi, X. Wang, J., 2011. Interpreting Hofstede Model and Globe Model: Which Way to Go for Cross-Cultural Research. nternational Journal of Business and Management , 6(5), pp.93-99. Stevens, R.H. Ogunji, E., 2010. Managing Diverse Organizational Environments for Strategic Advantage:Exploring the Value of Developing Business Diversity Curriculum in Higher Education. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 11(4), pp.72-85.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Yvain Essay Example
Yvain Essay Medieval Epic In Yvain the Knight with the Lion, there are many qualities of a medieval epic, such as loyalty, a quest, and a call to adventure. Although each of these are very consistent characteristics only one quality is emphasized throughout the entire book. Throughout the book the one quality shown most frequently is loyalty. We see this both through Lady lunette’s constant loyalty to the lady, as well and the Ladies loyalty to her husband, and in Yvain’s lion. Loyalty is the one quality that stands out as the most prominent throughout the entire story. The first example of loyalty is when Yvain kills Sir Escalados. It’s not his murder that is an example of loyalty but rather his wife’s grief and remaining loyalty to her now dead husband, regardless of his passing. Even though her husband has died and she is now freed from all wifely duties towards him she remains by his body weeping and tearing at her hair and beating her chest. Yvain mentions that it is her absolute loyalty and devotion to her husband that causes him to fall so deeply in love with her. Another outstanding sign of loyalty is when, hearing of her husband’s murder she calls for the murderer and screams that he is a coward and she would like to show him the pain he has caused her. We will write a custom essay sample on Yvain specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Yvain specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Yvain specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Even though she is obviously physically weaker and incapable of holding a fight she still challenges her husbands attacker in an attempt to avenge her husbands untimely death. Another example of loyalty is Lady Lunnette, whose entire character revolves around loyalty. She is loyal to many different people and somehow manages to do what is best for everyone, never leading people astray or giving false advice. For instance, Lady Lunette tells the Lady to meet and forgive the kind soldier and marry him even though she knows he was the cause of Sir Escalados’ death. She does this out of loyalty both to the Lady and Yvain, knowing that the Lady needs someone to protect her lands and her people. She also helps Yvain win back the lady’s heart when he leaves and forgets to come back to her. She shows kindness to everyone but is an especially loyal creature to Yvain and the lady who she serves. The last example, and perhaps most obvious portrayal of loyalty is Yvain’s lion. The lion became Yvain’s companion when he was saved from being eaten by a dragon. The lion is the only creature in the book that is purely loyal to one person and one person only. After Yvain saves him from the dragon he follows him around everywhere serving as a companion, pet and protector. On more than one occasion the lion saves Yvian from other men and even helps him to fight although he has done more than repay his debt to Yvain. The best example of this is when Yvain goes to fight a group of men and they lock the lion in a cage. Rather than sit and wait for his master the lion burrows out of the cage and attacks the people who threatened Yvain, ensuring no harm comes to him. Though these are only a few examples, they show one of the greatest and most important characteristics, not only in a medieval epic but also in Yvain the Knight with the Lion. The duty and honor with which each of the characters treats one another shows exactly how valued loyalty is. The characters go, more than once, out of their way to go above and beyond the call of friendship and be impossibly loyal in deadly situations. This shows exactly why loyalty is the one quality that stands out as the most prominent throughout the entire story.
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